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  • You are awesome!  I always love when I deal with a new company and they have amazing customer service. Thanks!


  • I love the site, I will be checking the site for more deals.   

    -G Becker

  • I really like avid deals...it is a super easy way to save money at businesses. Just buy the deal and show your coupon at the time of purchase ....again super quick easy way to save lots.

    -J Gehman

We may have met before.

Avid.Deals is part of our growth at AvidSphere. Since 2015, AvidSphere has been working with your favorite local businesses to provide effective and targeted direct mail advertising through our large postcard format, offering consumers great deals in their mailbox.

With Avid.Deals you can get better deals and see what businesses are offering in other areas.

Have fun shopping!