Voucher was not received
You can always use your AvidDeals wallet to find any voucher that you have purchased.
When you’re logged into your AvidDeals account, you’ll see your AvidDeals Wallet in the bottom left corner. To log-in, when you’re on the www.Avid.deals page, you will see an icon at the top right corner that looks like a person (in between the search icon and the cart icon). Click there and sign in using the credentials you chose when you created the account with your first order. Then after you are signed in, you will see the purple icon for your wallet in the bottom left corner. Here, you’ll be able to see which vouchers are still redeemable (anything showing purple) and be able to print out the missing vouchers from there as well by clicking the “Download PDF” button.
Please let us know you have located your wallet and the vouchers there as well!
If they can not find their vouchers, verify their email is correct first. If it is not, refer to the support link for wrong email.
If for some reason they are still not able to receive the forwarded emails, copy and paste each voucher link ( the link next to the "Attachment_file_url" ) into the email. Make sure you hit the space bar after the link for it to turn blue so it is clickable for them.