Voucher was self redeemed

If a customer reaches out about a voucher they tried to use but was told it was redeemed, get the voucher's redemption code, put it into Vauchar and pull it up. Green to the right means it was redeemed, red means it's still valid. 


they are looking at their purchase history and seeing "fulfilled". COPY AND PASTE:

  • Sorry for any confusion here. “Fullfilled” showing in your account history just means that you completed your purchase and all emails were sent to you at the time of your purchase. Please utilize your AvidDeals wallet which is showing as the purple widget in the bottom left corner of your screen. Here, anything showing as purple are the vouchers that have not been redeemed by a vendor. You can also print off your unredeemed vouchers here as well if you lost them in your emails. 
    Please let me know you are able to locate your AvidDeals wallet, and if there’s anything else we can help you with today!



click on the voucher's redemption code. This brings you to the voucher's QR. at the top, click on the "redemption" box next to the edit box and this will give you data for the redemption. 

  • in the second section under the USER DETAILS under "user ID"
    • if there is a number, this voucher was redeemed via their AvidDeals wallet OR manually by the vendor (this is confusing and I have to reach out again to Vauchar to give us more access to which is which)
      • let them know the date and time it was marked redeemed and wait for them to respond. If they respond that they did not visit that day, don't fight them, reset the voucher but going back to the redemption page, scroll to the bottom and click "delete redemption". MAKE SURE IT IS NOT "delete voucher"
    • if there is a name that's not theirs, it was redeemed by the vendor through the mobile app
      • let them know the date and time it was redeemed and it was redeemed by the vendor
    • If there is their name and email, look at the time the redemption was made above and then go back 2 pages and look at the time the voucher was created and see if they have "clicked" on the code at all at the bottom of that voucher line after it shows when the voucher was requested and received.
      •  (voucher has UTC time under the voucher details but our time shows to the right by the redemption code in military time and them our time is on the redemption page. 4.5 hour time difference) then let them know they accidentally self redeemed and ask if it was accidental and wait for them to respond. If they respond yes, then reset the voucher but going back to the redemption page, scroll to the bottom and click "delete redemption". MAKE SURE IT IS NOT "delete voucher"
      • if the times are within minutes usually that's a sign they received the email and clicked redeem right away (THERE WILL BE A 4.5 HR DIFFERENCE)